I. International Dubai Social Sciences and Humanities Congress Full Text Book

Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-625-94159-5-6

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I. International Baghdad Congress for Humanities and Social Sciences Full Text Book

Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-625-94159-6-3

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I. International Rimar Congress of Pure, Applied Sciences

Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-625-94159-7-0

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VI. International research Scientific Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences

Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-625-94159-8-7

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II. International Congress of Woman's Studies

Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-625-94159-9-4

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Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-625-99934-1-6

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X. International Research Congress of Contemporary Studies in Social Sciences

Writer: Rimar Academy

Language:Arabic & English

ISBN: 978-605-73553-5-5

Click to download






















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